Friday, June 17, 2011

Steadfast - A Prayer

Father I know and believe this is where I'm meant to be
You alone know the path I will take, the road I am on
I can only follow blindly, reaching out for Your hand
Steadfast and committed to this plan I believe You believe
I have watched and heard as evil beckoned me to follow
I have, still do take part in these battles against the enemy

Against the dark that never brightens, the wound that never heals
I have wished upon a star for the courage to end this
To feel the sweet oblivion that calls out my name, softly
Still You have brought me back to life numerous times, I know
With promise of a purpose and a meaning, life's beginning
Times will come, and they have, when doubt creeps in deeply
Like the blackest waters, flowing through the cracks
Through dark corners I've neglected, forgotten to seal up

Doubt transforming into anger, hardens everything within
Transforming also into complacency, denial, and regret
Father I pray against the seeping doubt and all it becomes
Draw me close, remind me to be still, to know who You are
To know Your plan for me is sacred, although cloudy
When I'm feeling lost in the haze with nowhere to rest
May You bring me your peace and show me Your way
Father I know and believe this is where I'm meant to be

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