Friday, June 17, 2011

If That Mockingbird Don't Sing

I have not met you, but I adore you
You are my soul's completion, my muse
Your soft, smooth skin is beauty in my hands
Warm and fresh, your hair begs to be touched
What I would give for the chance, right now
To run my fingertips through the silken strands 
On your tiny, fragile head, full of possibilities
Full of innocence and newness, a blank canvas
To coat and decorate with all of life's colors
Some will be bright and happy, others dark and sad
I vow to be there, as long as our Father allows
To share the joy and the pain of all of your colors
Whether you come from my womb or another
You will come from God and will be a part of me
Your presence is here already, all around me
You're a part of my heart and my soul for always
I know there will be times when you will cause me pain
Heartache, worry, jealousy, and loneliness
But through all of this I promise you will remain
In everything I say and do, just as you already are
You are the future I yearn for, pray for, fight for
I can already see your smile inside of my mind
Such a precious, beautiful gift like rays of heaven
So hold tight, my little love... in patience I await
The day when I will meet you, hold you, and love you
And this life will finally feel complete

To Love Manifested, With Love

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