Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Sometimes I feel like the colors have washed out of the fabric of my life...
Like I have been burning inside, bleeding colors into everything around me only to end up faded and empty
That is the reality of this life... feeling so bright and vibrant and real
Until one day (or hour) later, when you're left in the most grey dullness imaginable
Wrung out, limp, emotionless... ready to give up and fade away, as if this life never was real to begin with
As though we were never here... smiles, laughter, tears, screams, all emotions drained out and forgotten
All that's left is the empty stare burning into the white walls surrounding me
Any recollection of passion and motivation, dreams and fantasies, plans and expectations... lost in the fog
Like a coloring book with no pictures to color, no lines to stay within
No beginning and no end, just page after page of nothingness where only hours earlier beautiful pictures lived
Some filled in with care, in a variety of colors... some scribbled and scrawled on, with reckless exhilaration
Minute to minute, hour to hour, month to month, year to year... changes like night and day
Terrifying, exciting, debilitating, comforting, frustrating, eluding, overbearing, welcoming, destroying...
The rise and fall, the beautifully hideous, the perfectly flawed... here today, gone tomorrow inside my mind

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