Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Despite the fact that, supposedly Dove is affiliated with Axe (whose commercials objectify and degrade women and humanity)... I do respect what they're trying to do here with the campaign for real beauty and exposing real women, wrinkles, fat rolls, age spots, freckles, imperfect teeth and all. That beauty comes from the inside out, through self esteem, compassion, honesty, and maturity.

Beauty is in the eye of the Creator...
If we all saw one another (as well as ourselves) through His eyes...
Beauty would take on a whole new meaning

Please click on the links below to watch these videos and share them with your daughters, your granddaughters, and your son & grandsons as well. Then discuss and affirm others, so we can all accept our true beauty and never try to be someone we're not.



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