Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day re-post: Empty Arms

I would like to take a moment to wish a happy mothers day to all those who have as yet been robbed of the chance to call themselves a Mom, despite their deep desires and instincts for this title.

That simple word resonates and cuts deep into me on this day, even as I appreciate all of the others mothers in the world. The emptiness echoes every time another pregnancy is announced or another person asks "So when are you two having kids?"...I try to keep it to myself but sometimes it seeps out and builds up a bitterness and a bright green envy...

Here is the poem I wrote and posted on here last spring... just thought it deserved a re-post...

So easy, so simple
Just hold and let go
Wait 3 and check
Vertical or horizontal
Then into the basket
So easy, so simple

So easy, so simple
Cliche commercials
Just a few seconds
Everything changes...
Or nothing does...
So easy, so simple

Let down disappointment
Useless, hopeless,empty
Rock-a-bye silence
Reminders everywhere
Anything but easy

Scared and alone
Terror in a $10 box
Don't judge me, don't leave me
Take on or give away
Anything but simple

So easy, so simple
Little manufactured play house
Just like Mommy
Wound up doll cries and laughs
Plastic childhood dreams
So easy, so simple

A single, quiet tear
Slides down her cheek
A single, quiet tear
Torn from his heart
Slowly breaking down
Confidence and hope
Leaves bitterness and pain
And one lingering question

Why them, not me?

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