Monday, April 12, 2010


How can you give me my space while backing me into a corner?
How can you pull me close while pushing with everything you've got?
How can you smile so beautiful then turn around with evil eyes?
How can you touch so softly only to keep such a distance from me?
How can I be so perfect when I'm the opposite of all that you need?
How can our souls align when two sides lock horns in frustration?
How can encouragement divine turn to words of hot resentment?
How can we float so high above then come crashing to the pavement?

The contradiction, co-mingling spirits, aggravation, two hearts beat as one...
This beautiful, hideous, utopian nightmare in black and white color vision
So much confusion in clear, bright daylight... brings laughter from tears, passion from fury
And this creature, this monster, this blessing, this curse... Supernatural journey from start to finish
Taking up arms to fight for the good times and absolve the rest, to never give up, give in to the enemy of this...
This ridiculous, amazing, surprising thing...
This gift of forever with you

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