Seeing the good in everything, the pure in everyone
You go about your day with a smile on your face
Each moment treated like a gift, God's blessing for you
Everyone must have something to offer this world
You believe in what is right and true, naive to the core
Your days are filled with joy and optimistic spirit
Trusting and providing for the ones who cannot see
When the world sees you smile and hears you speak
They judge and say you are a fool, a dreamer
You cannot truly be this happy, this content in life
Do you not realize the hurt and pain all around us?
Can you not see how foolish and immature you are?
They worry for your innocence, you'll only end up hurt
Eventually someone will take advantage of your heart
But Jesus says to trust and hope, to see the good in all
He tells us to be faithful, never give up on our brothers
Offering a kind hand to anyone willing to take hold
Not judging or condemning them, but meeting them halfway
You follow in the footsteps laid our for all of us to take
Believing in mankind as what we were once created for
Trusting in His promises that He will redeem and reward
Those of us who laugh it off, who smile and keep on
~~Dedicated to two girls I know who give me a cavity every time they speak~~
Fragile Friends
13 years ago
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