Saturday, April 10, 2010


Ribbon tied tightly to hold back strands of your shroud
What has hidden your face from the others for so long
Covering tears and sadness creeping down your cheek
Blushing inner beams of attraction, bashful glances
Angry furrowing brow, fuming scowls of rage
Blank and empty stares, numbing every feeling
All these and others are now exposed for all to see

Suddenly the urge to pull, freeing locks of comfort
Pretenses returning to their place, ready and waiting
Your hands nervously fidget with the silky laces
As you fight to keep the smile from breaking
Plan once designed to preserve precious self worth
Now feeling like temptation to become like them
Unapologetic, show your face, your truth, your soul
Keep the ribbon tied tight, emotion reads sincerity
Pull it loose to hide in shame the mess that you are

Have you become such a coward? Who are you?
Maybe veils are easier, be safe, ignored and unheard
But authentic self, unafraid and unashamed courage
Proudly walking in your own truth, is it worth this?
And what happens when you've disguised too long?
When truth is blurred and broken, self is lost in shadows
What then will become of you? Faceless and mute
Passing through the crowds like a ghost, unseen, unheard
Velvet ribbon now lies shredded and stained underfoot
And raven tresses rejoin the facade to keep you lost
Hidden inside yourself, as melancholy sighs in the dark

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