Truly, honestly wonder who you are, what you've become?
Do you see a mother? Do you see a wife? A sister? A waitress? A teacher? A Christian? A friend?
Or do you simply see the reflection of a body, a face?
Do you see the hairs out of place? Do you notice the dark circles of sleepless nights?
The superficial lines of laughter and joy, or the scars and marks of painful past?
What is it that defines our sense of self?
What is it that makes our reflection any different than another?
Does the soul inside shine through our eyes?
Does our job or career come out in our movements and expressions?
Does our role in family's lives translate into the picture we see before us?
Where can our purpose and true self be found? Is it truly something that we can see in the mirror?
Define mirror:
- highly reflective surface: a surface, e.g. glass or polished metal, that reflects light without diffusing it so that it will give back a clear image of anything placed in front of it
- something accurately representing something else: something that accurately reproduces, describes, or represents something else
- reflect something in surface: to reflect something clearly in a surface
A highly reflective surface... Time spent in prayer, reflecting on ourselves may reveal another image than the one we see in that mirror
Reflects light without diffusing it so that it will give back a clear image of anything placed in front of it... In prayer and in life, reflecting God's light and love without diffusing it so that it will give back a clear image of His truth to others. Do we always truly see a "clear image" of ourselves when placed in front of our mirrors in life?
Something accurately representing something else... Now this one feels most familiar to me. Representing something else... the person I see in the mirror does not feel like me. It is representing me, but not always in the way that I want to be represented
Reflect something in surface... Surface. On the surface sometimes what we see is something completely separate from what is truly there, inside. But how do we break through the surface, without shattering the mirror to pieces?
Where am I?
Is this surface reflection something accurate or just something accurately representing something else?
Am I reflecting? Am I giving back a clear image of light?
Where am I within this sheet of glass, within this fragile uncertainty?
How long until the glue gives way, until these shattered pieces turn to dust?
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