Thursday, October 21, 2010


Folded like origami
Into shapes and sizes
Out of pieces
Torn and discarded

Scraps of fiber
Woven tightly into something
Warm and comforting

Leftover portions
Blend into one flavor
One of a kind
A recipe to cherish

Broken, shattered granules
Ground into almost nothing
Together, like a blanket
A playground of summer smiles

Collages made of things once deemed useless
Connected and combined, they form a special something
Something of value, of worth, of meaning
Never look at little pieces, scars, decisions, memories...
As something to be thrown away, forgotten, ignored
All these tiny things have their purpose and can be used
Nothing useless, nothing worthless, nothing pointless
Something good can come of this
Something amazing from something ordinary
Do not give up on it, just because it looks like nothing
For without nothing... Something has no meaning

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